Free Giveaways – You’ve Got To Be In It To Win It!

Free Giveaways


Back in March 2021, I spoke about entering free giveaways on social media and discussed some of the prizes that I had won in the previous four months or so to that time.

I thought now might be a good time to write another brief message about these free comps. Firstly, if you do follow my social media, then I’d like to warn you that my Instagram and Facebook stories might be littered with giveaways over the coming weeks, but I also wanted to give you the heads up because if I can be fortunate enough to win some of these prizes, then so could you!

How do you win an Instagram Competition, Facebook Freebie, or Twitter Free Giveaway? It really is quite simple: just make sure thatyou ENTER!

Michael Jordan (the greatest NBA basketball player of all time) said: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

The very same applies to social media competitions. If you don’t play the game, you can never win … or as the title of this blog post says, “You’ve got to be in it to win it!.”

Michael Jordan Quote

Since writing about my competition luck, I’ve won more prizes, including golf clubs, event tickets, drinks, and lots more (much needed) golf balls! I have been entering one or two competitions a week, but I’m now about to ramp it up because as Christmas approaches, now is the time to up my competition game because there’s an explosion of free giveaways across all social media platforms!

Top Five Tips To Win Free Giveaways:

  • Find three friends that want to join in.
  • Share your entries to your social media stories and make sure that you tag the person running the competition.
  • Read the terms and Conditions carefully.
  • Search through hashtags such as #12daysofchristmas #giveaways
  • Share your winnings.

Most competitions ask you to tag three friends, like the post, and share to your story in order to enter, so before you start, make sure that you find yourself three Instagram/Twitter followers who want to enter competitions with you–or don’t mind being tagged–and then get involved! Make sure you read the terms and conditions though each time because if you miss one step then your entry might not count. It’s also worth checking all the T’s & C’s for eligibility, too, since often competitions may only be available for entry if you reside in a specific country.

Find Free Competitions

If you want to keep an eye on which competitions I’m entering, you can follow my stories on Instagram or Facebook or alternatively look out for my retweets on Twitter.

Why not also go and find free giveaways for yourself? An easy way of finding these competitions is by searching hashtags. You can search through generic hashtags such as #12daysofchristmas or #giveaway, but if you want to make sure the prize is something that you would really like to win, then look for even more specific hashtags. For instance, for me #golfgiveaway is a good hashtag to search for. Once you’ve searched for these hashtags, you can usually then click to follow them (blue button in below example) so that they then appear in your feed in future.

Hashtags for Free Giveaways

Share your winnings … make sure that when you do win a competition that you shout about it! While most competitions use random number generators to pick winners, some companies still vet their entries. Remember, the prime reason for a company or social media account to run these competitions is usually to gain followers and/or exposure. So make sure you give them that by posting a story to thank them and make sure you tag any other brands involved in the competition. Here’s my most recent winning Instagram story where I’m thanking @roguegolfers when they announced that I’d won their competition for 12 Trust Aurora golf balls on Instagram. I’ll also be posting another thankyou photo with my prize once it arrives.

Stripey Green TV wins one of the Rogue Golfers Free Giveaways

Lastly, please do feel free to use my @StripeyGreenTV username/handle as one of your three friends on any of the social media platforms!

Good luck and be sure to let me know how you get on.

Bye for now!


Last Updated on 28/02/2023 by Rob Davies

(169 Articles)

Rob is the founder and creator of Stripey Green TV. Having played the game for more than 25 years, he has shared a lot of similar experiences to the readers of SGTV, made plenty of mistakes, and picked up a LOT of hints and tips along the way. It was Rob's desire to share his golf experiences that were the primary reason for starting the SGTV website. He is passionate about helping fellow amateur golfers to NOT make mistakes, whether it be in their play, the equipment they purchase, or the golf that they watch.


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