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Find Indoor Golf Venues Near You!

Indoor golf is on the rise. The recent boom in UK and worldwide golf has seen interest in golf-related activities soaring. In particular, there has been a tremendous growth in golf simulators. New venues are beginning to pop up around the country to help fill the demand, but how do you find the right indoor golf venue for you?
When recently looking to book a session, I stumbled across a new website www.findindoorgolf.com. Launched in mid February, Find Indoor Golf gives a list of all your local venues, but more importantly it offers independent reviews on each venue. This website thus allows you to make the best choice for your golf sessions.
“Find Indoor Golf is all about connecting our community of golfers with the best indoor golf facilities, only the best venues are listed, with real trusted reviews.”
Craig – Founder findindoorgolf.com
What is Indoor Golf?
The term Indoor golf refers to a range of different golfing activities, from putting and chipping areas to full blown indoor golfing simulators. Modern golf centres like this are mainly aimed at two areas: hard core practice and social entertainment.
Indoor Golf Practice
Let’s be honest, the weather in the UK for the majority of the year is pretty dreadful. I live in Manchester, which sees more than its fair share of rain, so I think I’m fairly well placed to comment on it. While some players might be okay playing in poor weather, to me golf in the rain is RUBBISH! Wet grips, slappy ball contact, and having to dry everything off after a round in the rain is not my idea of fun. Unlike a Pro, as an amateur golfer I can choose whether or not to practice and play in the rain.
These modern golf venues offer a genuine viable way to practice when its raining. Like at a driving range, when practising indoors the main benefit is the number of shots that can be hit compared to out on the course. In an hour on the course, I can hit 25 shots, but indoors I can hit 60-120. Indoor practice is perfect for working on yardages and precision, dialling in wedges or working on distance gapping.
Indoor Golf Entertainment
Here’s where the fun begins. While strange folk like me enjoy practicing golf, many amateur golfers prefer to play for fun and not practice too much. Golf simulators can be SERIOUS FUN and not only for keen golfers. It has something to offer for everyone whatever your standard.
Indoor venues will often offer a range of different fun golf games on their simulators, or the ability to play a full round of virtual golf on an actual real world golf course. Always fancied playing St Andrews? Well, now’s your chance, although it’s worth mentioning that sometime playing your dream course virtually can shatter your dreams. For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of playing at Pebble Beach. I recently got the chance to play it on a simulator and very quickly realised that until I can get rid of my slice I definitely don’t want to be playing it in the real world! The first ten holes all have big trouble if you hit it right of the fairway … and by big trouble I mean the Pacific Ocean!
Often open until late at night, indoor golf simulators offer a way of turning golf into a social event and often also offer the chance to enjoy food and a few drinks with friends at the same time.

Indoor golf is here to stay, offering golf to all levels of player, all year round, day and night. Each venue tends to be completely different in design and what facilities they offer. While still in its infancy, findindoorgolf.com is definitely the place to go to find out more about your local virtual golf venues here in the UK.
If you run a golf centre like this in the UK, you can claim your listing and add more details, or if you have used a particular venue, then be sure to pop a review on the site to help other fellow golfers find the best golf experiences near them. If you’re local to me, maybe you have used The Aviary Indoor Golf in Timperley? You can review it here.
Bye for now!

Last Updated on 14/03/2024 by StripeyGreenTV