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Flixton Golf Club – 6th Hole

Is the 6th Hole at Flixton Golf Club the hardest stroke 17 & 18 in world golf?
**Article updated April 2022 at bottom of page**
Flixton Golf Course ️(where I play the majority of my golf) has quite possibly the hardest stroke 17 & 18 in world golf! ***Look out for my update at the end of this article
Okay, so this statement may be a slight exaggeration, but they’re blooming hard holes, especially considering that they are meant to be the two easiest holes on the golf course! Flixton Golf Course has 10 putting greens. We play to each green twice during an 18 hole round of golf, other than the greens on the 9th and 18th hole. The 6th green is then also the 15th green when coming around the course for the second time. Both holes are Par 3’s playing from similar tee blocks.
Flixton Golf Club 6th Hole Measured Distances
- W️HITE TEE: 156 Yards
- YELLOW TEE: 146 Yards
- RED TEE: 136 Yards
In a Saturday competition, we tend to play from the white tees. I hit anything from a wedge to a 5 iron, depending upon the strength of the wind and course conditions. So far in 45 competitive rounds (90 attempts), I have only ever scored 1 birdie! On average, it takes me 4.5 shots to hole out. I’ve lost count of the number of 6 and 7s I’ve had. It’s an absolute card wrecker, and I’m really pleased if I can just steal a bogey!
During the recent Club Trophy, I had to play the hole four times in one day. I was happy to escape with two double bogies, one single bogey, and a rare par!
Do you know a harder stroke 17/18?
Do you have a hole on your course that you find far more difficult than its stroke index would suggest? If you’re a member at Flixton, do you have the same problem, or better still, do you have any tips for how to play this hole well?
There’s out of bounds all down the left, behind the hole, and also about 20 yards right of it, too. If the tee-shot is hit straight, then it will need to carry the large bunker thirty yards short of the green and then hope for an extremely favourable bounce (unlikely since it’s uphill and contoured).
If the tee-shot is slightly left or right, then you might as well get the Hamlets and your bucket & spade out, since there are pot bunkers either side at the front of the green. The bunkers are very deep, and with the out of bounds all around the back, if you accidently don’t take enough sand with your shot, then you could see your ball sailing into the nearby gardens or the River Mersey. Oh and if you do pull it left off the tee and miss the bunker, then the chances are that the slope down to the stream running along the left hand side of the hole will guarantee that you are playing three off the tee!
So yeah, that’s our stroke 17&18. You can see a few more pictures that I took earlier in the year below. Does anyone know of a harder stroke 18?
Bye for now!

The stroke index has been updated! In April 2022 these two holes were updated to Stroke 11 and Stroke 10. I’d like to think that Stripey Green TV’s influence has caused this but suspect in reality its by coincidence and the fact Flixton Golf Club committee were possibly bored of people moaning about it. All the same, it’s great news and now I have a shot each time I play it!

***Quick update
Unbelievably in the very next competition I played I scored a two on the 15th so that’s now 2/92! True to this article though, the first time round I managed to go out of bounds left twice … thankfully it was a Stableford competition though so it was just a blob rather than a complete card-wrecker!
Last Updated on 28/02/2023 by Rob Davies